Saturday, May 7, 2011

2 down 2 to go!

There is less than a 6 weeks span for all of the Severson's to have their birthdays! Mette and Gabe have had wonderful birthday parties! Both filled with lots of family and friends, presents, cake, presents, great grilled food complements of daddy Severson, presents, lots of laughs, presents, and a little chaos and we would not want it any other way! We have had a great time celebrating two amazing kids that are now 5 and 12 years old. Next on the schedule is a quiet day at home for Mother's Day! I am VERY excited about this! I need a day of rest to recover from the parties. I am looking forward to cuddling my kiddos and having breakfast in bed.....let's see what happens! I will try to post more soon with pictures of the parties! Happy birthday to the Severson kids...we are so blessed to have such wonderful if I could just get time to slow down a little and they would stop growing up so fast!